TAKEOUT - Game Design

Project Brief: Designed as an entry for the twentieth annual Collab Competition held in conjunction with the Philadelphia Museum of Art. Each year the theme of the competition is linked to the receiver of the Design Excellence Award. This years theme was inspired by Paula Scher and Seymour Chwast and the challenge was to design a game.

Project Type: Game & Package Design

Skills: Research, Play, Ideation, Testing, Prototyping, 

Takeout is a high-energy game of speed and accuracy. Players compete to grab as many sushi pieces as possible before time runs out. Watch the sushi fly as the Competition builds into a frenzy of jostling as players fight for points and pieces. The game kit is created with the philosophy of using humble iconic take out dinner components to elevate their value to a cult classic game. The kit is both durable and easily replenishable with components from local restaurants. Have fun play a round or two over takeout tonight.


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